How To Be A More Positive Person

Contrary to what you might think, choosing positivity isn’t about being positive all the time. Being positive 100 percent of the time isn’t realistic to ask of your human, or anyone elses for that matter. We are meant to experience the vastness of emotions. Even the uncomfortable ones. 


So, life isn’t about being happy every minute. I know, bummer right?! But rather life is about awareness that ALL situations (even painful ones) can be temporary. Emotions are energy in motion. And nothing ever stays the same forever. You can be sure whatever emotion you are experiencing right in this moment (as you read these words) will come and go as it does. The tricky part though, is when we get attached to what is showing up. Sounds silly right?? But our sweet little minds LOVE to do it. (you and me both sista)


Perhaps the “problem” then is NOT the emotion you’re experiencing, but the THOUGHT/thought pattern you assign to what’s happening. If you feel nervous you might then start worrying or wondering why. What is happening in my body. This isn’t normal. Oh my gosh, no one else has this problem… In this case then, it’s not the nerves that cause the hardship, but the thoughts around it. You see?? What I’m saying is, what if we just observed our experience and didn’t assign any polarity thoughts to it?


The more we choose to allow and offer a different, more positive approach to our lives, the more we open ourselves up to transformation and resolution.

Situations have wisdom within them. I know it sounds silly. But there can be some deep truth and delicious wisdom in what’s happening in your mind or body. And really resting in your experience will help you find deeper confidence, self trust, trust in life, and peace. Who doesn’t want more peace?!


Our brains are prone to negative thought patterns, or (like my sweet brain sometimes) “worst case scenarios” because this actually FEELS like it is keeping us safe + protected. The mind is so cute, it thinks if it just understands what’s happening it will feel safe. And then… BOOM!!!!...the hamster wheel. You know you’ve totally done this! (As have I. Guilty) 


So it’s most important, as we practice this welcoming and positivity, is to be kind to ourselves no matter what we are feeling or thinking. Repeat after me please:


“It’s normal for me to feel this way + today I choose to be kind to me”


Other options for kindness mantra’s (yes, write these down or plaster on your mirror):


“I can do this”

“I will get through this period in my life”

“This pain from this breakup shows I’ve loved + that’s a beautiful thing”

“This is temporary, no emotions last forever”

“Look how far I’ve come”

“I am proud of myself for doing this even though I’m scared”

“I’m allowed to take up space + feel joy”


Repeat your mantra (or multiple mantras) daily. Let the words penetrate deep into your heart and being and become such nourishment. If you want more ideas, here are a few other ways to become more positive!


·      Become aware of the stories you assign to what happens to you daily

·      Spend time with people who leave you feeling inspired + hopeful

·      Every day find small moments of gratitude 

·      Go for a walk in nature: this will shift your mood + perspective

·      Learn to pause + breathe + return to your body for just 1 minute every day

·      Witness how you speak about people, life, + yourself to others


With practice, we can begin to re-wire our thinking towards more positive and realistic ways. 


From my messy-overthinking-emotion feeling- human to yours <3


Are we still hibernating?! (A memoir to Spring)


Taking in the Good