Bee gone Allergies!

While so many of us are excited for spring, with warmer weather, the return of green grass, and the budding trees… there’s one thing that really holds people back from enjoying it – seasonal allergies. UGH!


Allergic rhinitis, which is often referred to as hay fever, is a common condition caused by allergic sensitivity to pollens from trees, grasses or weeds, or to airborne mold spores. It can cause symptoms such as sneezing, stuffy nose, watery or itchy eyes, and scratchy throats.


But fear no more!


Your chiropractor can actually help relieve your allergies. It may seem far-fetched that a spinal adjustment could have anything to do with your allergies. But we’re here to prove to you that it can.


What causes Allergic Reactions?

First, let’s dive into what causes allergies. Generally speaking, your immune system recognizes and removes harmful substances from the body, when functioning correctly. But occasionally, your immune system goes into protection mode against a substance that is usually considered harmless.


Then, your body goes into protection mode trying to remove it by sneezing or coughing. These are symptoms you feel when you’re suffering from allergies.


The Magic Link to the Immune System

A misalignment in the spine blocks the proper flow of information through the nervous system to the brain, which weakens your immune system. By getting a chiropractic adjustment, you can remove the interference of communication in the body.


Chiropractic Care for Allergies

If your immune system is functioning properly, your body will stop overreacting to perceived allergens. When it overreacts, the body over-produces mucus, which builds up to the point where it can cause respiratory infections, sinus infections, and even digestive problems.


To get ahead of allergy season, schedule a spinal adjustment @ Soul Chiro today. We can work with you to strengthen your immune system, align your spine, and allow your body to function better as it fights off allergies!


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